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Log in the Library catalogue, open "My account", which you can see in the menu, and open "Loans". A list of items, which you have borrowed, will be displayed. Click on the order number (on the left side) of the loan you would like to renew. The loan details will be displayed and Renew it.


Advanced search

Library account

Sign in using your Usermap/KOS name and PIN code (set during registration process at the CTU library).

HINT! Do you have difficulty to remember your Usermap/KOS name? You may use your personal number, which is on your ISIC/CTU identity card instead.

Renewal is not possible if the item has been reserved by othe user (make a reservation though to get on waiting list), or there is a fine to pay in any of the CTU libraries or your Library account has expired. Otherwise the number of renewals is not limited. Most items may be renewed for 30 days. 

Renewal requires your Library account to be valid at least for another 180 days. Library account of a member of Public must be valid at least for another 30 days.

If you are not allowed to renew your loans due to the expiration of your Library account, please contact the CTU Library either personally or via your e-mail.

Library and Lending Code – Art. 13 Loan Period 

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